Who Is The 12th Imam?

Who Is The 12th Imam?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Salih)

Salih went into occultation from his people. After that when he returned to them, a majority of them denied him as mentioned in the book of Kamaluddin in the tradition of His Eminence, Abu Abdillah Sadiq (a) that he said: 
 "Salih (a) remained in occultation from his community for a period of time: The day he disappeared from them he was of middle age, wide belly, elegant body, thick beard, fair complexioned and medium height. When he returned to his people, they did not recognize him from his face. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Hud)

The actual name of Hud (a) is Aabir, and Nuh had given glad tidings about him. It is narrated from Imam Sadiq (a) in Kamaluddin that he said:"When the demise of Nuh approached, he summoned his Shias and followers and said: You should know that after me there shall be an occultation when false deities would appear. And indeed Allah, the Mighty and Sublime would bestow victory upon you through my descendant who would be named Hud. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Idrees)

Idrees (a) is the grandfather of Akhnukh, the father of Nuh (a). The Almighty Allah exalted Idrees to a high degree; it is said that he was raised to the fourth or the sixth heaven.
 In Majmaul Bayan it is narrated from Mujahid that he said: "Idrees was taken up to the sky like Isa (a) was taken, while he was alive and not dead." And others have said: "His soul was captured between the fourth and the fifth heaven." This point is narrated from Imam Baqir (a):[1] The Almighty Allah also took up Qaim to a high position in the sky.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Nuh)

Nuh, the senior-most (in age) of the prophets: It is narrated from Imam Sadiq and Imam Hadi (a) that His Eminence, Nuh (a) lived for 2500 years. And His Eminence, Qaim (a) is the senior-most (in age) of the successors; on the basis of the tradition of Kafi, was born on the 15th of Shaban 255 A.H.[1]

Thus the age of His Eminence till date - Sunday, 10th Zilqad 1301 A.H. - comes to 1081 years and 5 days. It is narrated from Imam Zainul Abideen (a) that he said: "In the Qaim is present the characteristics of Adam and Nuh (a),
and that is a long life…"[2]

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Sheeth)

Hibtullah Sheeth, did not get the permission to reveal his knowledge, as mentioned in a lengthy report quoted in Rauda Kafi from His Eminence, Abu Ja'far Baqir (a) that he said:
"When Hibtullah buried his father, Adam, Qabeel came to him and said: O Hibtullah I saw that my father, Adam did not give me as much knowledge as he gifted to you and it is the same knowledge with which your brother, Habeel prayed and his sacrifice was accepted, and that is why I killed him so that he may not have children who could proudly claim to my children that: 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Habeel)

His nearest and closest kin killed Habeel - that is his brother - the Almighty Allah says in His great book: "And relate to them the story of the two sons of Adam with truth when they both offered an offering, but it was accepted from one of them and was not accepted from the other. He said: I will most certainly slay you. (The other) said: Allah only accepts from those who guard (against evil)."[1]

Friday, April 25, 2014

Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Adam)

The Almighty Allah appointed Adam as His caliph on the whole earth and made him its heir and He says in the Quran:
 "I am going to place in the earth a vicegerent." [1]
 And the Almighty Allah would also make Hazrat Hujjat as the inheritor of the earth and will appoint him as His caliph on His earth, as narrated from His Eminence, Abu Abdillah Sadiq (a) that he said with reference to the exegesis of the verse:
 "Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth." [2]
"He is the Qaim and his companions; and at the time of his reappearance he would pass his hands over his face and say: Praise be to Allah, One Who fulfilled His promise and made us inherit the earth…" [3]

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dua Azomalbala


O Allah, terrible was the calamity,
and its evil consequences are visible,
the covering has been removed,
(all) hopes have been cut off, the
(plentiful) earth has shrunk (with
very little to spare), the heavenly
blessings have been withheld.

When He Will Come...(Last Part)

The old man as if he had not heard their voices continued saying:
“But the most important problem is what we should do so that he will come sooner.”
The deer and the rivulet both said:
“We should prepare ourselves and others for his reappearance. Till we do not prepare ourselves...”

Monday, April 21, 2014

When He Will Come...(Part 7)

The old man was listening to the words of the rivulet, slowly and slowly tears were flowing from his eyes, as much as the rivulet was talking, the tear of the old man was flowing more. The rivulet and the deer, looking at the tears of the old man started to cry and both of them said:
“Has our questions disturbed you and made you sad. We did not wish…”

When He Will Come...(Part 6)

The cottage of the old man was in the middle of the plains without any wall or fortification. The door of the cottage was opened but the deer did not wish to enter it before first seeking permission. After a while, the old man with a white beard and a shining face came out of the cottage with a walking stick. The deer said Salam and the old man slowly came towards him. I caressed and touched gently on it heads of the deer and said:
“O’ beautiful deer, Salam upon you surely, you have been injured that you have come to me. Come, come inside the cottage and take rest for that will do something for you.”

When He Will Come...(Part 5)

The rivulet said with excitement:
“An idea has struck my mind. The place from where I flow everyday, a cottage exists wherein a learned old man lives. He should know the answer of many questions. Let us go and visit his cottage.”
The deer said:
“It is a good idea. I am prepared, even with this limping leg, to run towards the cottage all the way.”
The mourning willow looked at her trunks and said:
“It is a good idea, but my root is in the ground. How can I come with you to the cottage of the old man?”

When He Will Come...(Part 4)

The mourning willow said:
“Then, first and foremost, allow us to heal your wound so that if the hunter arrives, you are well enough to escape from his hands.”
The rivulet started to wash the wounded leg of the deer and said:
“Fortunately, your wound is not so deep. The arrow has passed from besides the flesh of your leg and has wounded it.”
The deer whose injured leg had begun to feel more pain in the hands of the rivulet, weeping and groaning said:
“You do not know with what difficulty and pain I have escaped from the hands of the hunter.”

When He Will Come...(Part 3)

The mourning willow and the rivulet turned towards the place where the red flower was pointing and with astonishment saw a beautiful deer coming towards them with tears in the eyes and blood flowing from his legs. Till the eyes could see, the blood in the leg of the deer could be seen from the place he was coming. The deer, crying and mourning brought himself towards the rivulet.

When He Will Come...(Part 2)

The rivulet was until now flowing slowly besides her and was unintentionally hearing her tales. With the falling of the drop of the red flowers tears on her bosom, she became disturbed, suddenly curled and twisted and brought herself near the red flower and said:
“My kind hearted friend! How nice you speak of my heart. How best you express the sorrow and grief of my heart.”

When He Will Come...

In The Name of Allah

The depressed and crestfallen red flower shrub had embraced her knees in her arms, rested her forehead on her branches, raised her head with a faded sight glanced at the mourning willow and slowly whispered:
“I am tired, I am very exhausted.”
The mourning willow with the help of the wind, turned her branches towards the red flower, bowed her head a little so as to clearly hear her voice:
“Did you say you are tired? Have I heard clearly? You are also tired like me?”

Dua Faraj

O Allah, be, for Your representative, the Hujjat (proof), son of AlHasan, Your blessings be on him and his forefathers, in this hour and in every hour, a guardian, a protector, a leader, a helper, a proof, and an eye. until You make him live on the earth, in obedience (to You), and cause him to live in it for a long time. 

The 12th Imam...

Peace be on you, O the spring and essence of life!