The Almighty Allah gave glad tidings of the birth of Ismail (a) and He says:
Who Is The 12th Imam?
Who Is The 12th Imam?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Ismail)
The Almighty Allah gave glad tidings of the birth of Ismail (a) and He says:
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Ibrahim)
The pregnancy of
Ibrahim's mother when she was pregnant with him, was not obvious and his birth
was concealed. It was the same with Qaim (a) and his (mother's) pregnancy and
his birth was also concealed. Ibrahim (a) grew up in a day as much as others
grow in a week and his growth every week was as much as others grow in a month
and he grew in a month as much as others grow in a year - as narrated from Imam
Sadiq (a) -.[1]
Qaim (a) also was such, as mentioned by Hakima
(may Allah be pleased with her) in the report quoted from her:
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Salih)
Salih went into
occultation from his people. After that when he returned to them, a majority of
them denied him as mentioned in the book of Kamaluddin in the tradition of His
Eminence, Abu Abdillah Sadiq (a) that he said:
"Salih (a) remained in occultation from his
community for a period of time: The day he disappeared from them he was of middle
age, wide belly, elegant body, thick beard, fair complexioned and medium
height. When he returned to his people, they did not recognize him from his
12th Imam,
Imam Mahdi,
Friday, July 11, 2014
Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Hud)
The actual name of
Hud (a) is Aabir, and Nuh had given glad tidings about him. It is narrated from Imam Sadiq (a) in
Kamaluddin that he said:"When the demise of
Nuh approached, he summoned his Shias and followers and said: You should know
that after me there shall be an occultation when false deities would appear.
And indeed Allah, the Mighty and Sublime would bestow victory upon you through
my descendant who would be named Hud.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Idrees)
Idrees (a) is the
grandfather of Akhnukh, the father of Nuh (a). The Almighty Allah exalted Idrees
to a high degree; it is said that he was raised to the fourth or the sixth
In Majmaul Bayan it is narrated from Mujahid
that he said: "Idrees was taken up to the sky like Isa (a) was taken,
while he was alive and not dead." And others have said: "His soul was
captured between the fourth and the fifth heaven." This point is narrated
from Imam Baqir (a):[1] The Almighty Allah also took up Qaim to a high position in the sky.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Nuh)
Nuh, the
senior-most (in age) of the prophets: It is narrated from Imam Sadiq and Imam Hadi
(a) that His Eminence, Nuh (a) lived for 2500 years. And His Eminence, Qaim (a)
is the senior-most (in age) of the successors; on the basis of the tradition of
Kafi, was born on the 15th of Shaban 255 A.H.[1]
Thus the age of His
Eminence till date - Sunday, 10th Zilqad 1301 A.H. - comes to 1081
years and 5 days. It is narrated from Imam Zainul Abideen (a) that he said: "In
the Qaim is present the characteristics of Adam and Nuh (a),
and that is a long
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Resemblance of the 12th Imam to the Prophets(a.s.) (Resemblance to Sheeth)
Hibtullah Sheeth, did
not get the permission to reveal his knowledge, as mentioned in a lengthy
report quoted in Rauda Kafi from His Eminence, Abu Ja'far Baqir (a) that he
"When Hibtullah
buried his father, Adam, Qabeel came to him and said: O Hibtullah I saw that my
father, Adam did not give me as much knowledge as he gifted to you and it is
the same knowledge with which your brother, Habeel prayed and his sacrifice was
accepted, and that is why I killed him so that he may not have children who
could proudly claim to my children that:
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